FSC Excel Workshop 2 – Graphing & Statistics
Enhance your ability to analyze and visualize data using Microsoft Excel!
Most students, especially STEM students, find a need for this program, but may not have the necessary skills to use it effectively. You asked and we listened!
Join us on Wednesday, March 26th at 4:00 PM in LSB 1115 for an intermediate-level workshop on Excel.
Topics for this workshop include:
Bar GraphsLine GraphsScatter PlotsError BarsBest Fit LinesR2 and Line EquationsStudents t-TestsParticipant Requests! – You tell us what you would like to learn.
No prior experience in Excel is necessary (but could be useful) and participants do not have to have Excel on a personal device to register.
All WVU students from all majors are welcome!
*This is the second workshop in a 3-part series. Join us for just this one or for all!
See the workshops flyer here!